Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thoughts on Week Two homework

What do you think about how the ideals of introspection and reflexivity play out?
Also post any responses/thoughts to class here. I have to say that I really enjoyed our conversation last night. (If anyone left feeling overwhelmed, let me reassure you by saying that we dove right into topics we usually don't get to for a few weeks!) It's a neat balance -- to be thoughtful without becoming paralyzed (or so self-focused that you're not actually documenting anything but yourself).

Also, the question I was trying to ask when I had a coughing fit was this: the Spike Lee montage we watched the first class attempted to paint a portrait of place through music and photo montage. How did that compare to the audio postcard you listened to last night? What did they have in common and how did they differ?



Nettie said...

Today I'm reflecting on why the postcard initially irritated me so much, whether it was an example of that insider/outsider dynamic we discussed (I grew up down the road from Spivey's Corner, but we had a genuine tel-e-phone to call our med folk). What I've come up with is that using the postcard format short changed the richness of the traditions celebrated by the festival, although this example did share more than many others have.

Nettie said...

I'm wondering if I am being greedy wanting to hear grandfather Yellowman's stories even though I wasn't fortunate enough to be at his kitchen table.

vgrady said...
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vgrady said...

I'm extremely overwhelmed by all of this..I started working on my proposal last night and I have no idea where I am going or what I am doing. I've been trying to immerse myself in the life of a documentarian by reading everything I can read, subscribing to every blog and website, etc. I love it, but it is way too much for a person with a boring full-time job and an overwhelming thirst for more, to handle. I know I'm trying to take on too much, so this week, my goal is to scale things down and try to narrow my focus. Wish me luck!