Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Audio Docs

Go to bigshed.org and pick out a piece (or two) to listen to. Bring any questions you have about podcasting for Jennifer next week.

Also check out one of last year's winning entries from the 3rd Coast Audio Festival competition. http://thirdcoastfestival.org/annual_competitions_2007_winners.asp
I like "Grandpa."


Anna said...

Tonight's class discussion re Spike Lee's documentary on Katrina was stimulating!

Brian Stabler said...

I truly thought that there were 14 teachers in our meeting last night; and that everyone had much to teach me.

Nettie said...

I thought I must be clicking the wrong file link with all this (bigshed.org) talk about being trapped in a jar. It was intensely annoying, and I left the site after the producers interrupted Max's Story with more of it. May I be lazy and ask the purpose/value of the banter without having to visit more of the files?

Conrad said...

The readings throw me into a most feared part of this work - encountering the subject, feelings about that. Reminds me of when, as a trainee, I was asked to get patients to participate in studies when I wasn't sure it was really in their best interest. Or when I really felt their vulnerability. The fear of using someone and the strong protective feeling I get working with people.

tracy said...

the whole jar thing confused me (bigshed) plus i really wanted some visual. i left it for max's story which i also left after about 5 seconds. the kid's voice and the scratchy speakers were just too much for me.
i did finally settle on 'in the company of men' a tortured tale of love... i like that. i found myself listening to the opening music tuning out the banter. the intro was so long i also began to wonder if this was it when they switched into their story. found it a bit sophomoric but did leaving me asking the question: do men really talk in the bathroom or is this more a spoof on women because, let's face it, many of us do talk about you guys while we're in the bathroom.

Adair Hill said...

I really enjoyed the short bit called Next Year, In Valhalla about a nerdy Jewish boy who winds up a Wagner Society Meeting. It was entertaining, but didn't go very deep into the subject. No nearly as interesting as OUR discussion about Spike Lee's doc!

C said...

I too listened to the Max piece. I agree with Ms Daum that the whole jar thing was very annoying. I stuck with it to the end hoping the piece would be salvaged. Nope. Just not my cup of tea. I did find a piece more to my liking in Big Shed. Once again, I had to tread water through the intro. Once the feature started, "Shortwaveology" was a fun, informative piece. Without much effort on my part (my favorite kind), the tape pulled me into the room with the radio and listener and together, we listened to the sounds of the world.

My favorite audio comes from the 3rd coast site. It has been my favorite for some time. I was fortunate to visit the annual competition a few years ago. If you are interested in audio, it's a must do event. There is a tremendous amount of casual information exchange.

One of my favorite series in 3rd world is from a producer in the UK. His pieces are called "Don't Hang Up". He calls various locations around the world, never knowing where he's calling or who will answer. The tape is amazing in how he can interact with the person answering on such a minuscule level yet gather the quality and quantity of information he does. A more humbling yet inspiring piece is titled "Before it was war, it was war". I think the title speaks for itself.

Conrad said...

I volunteered to offer some opening comments on The Behar, chapter 3 assigned for this week.
Joy referred to the complicated and I would have to say confused nature of that relationship as it evolved.
Perhaps I could open for discussion by asking people to offer their thoughts on the power dimensions in the relationship between Ruth and Marta. Who has what power in what areas? What aspects of the various power differentials are acknowledged and what are there but not acknowledged between these two Any other comments, reactions or thoughts?